Mar 13, 2025
EDU 740 - School and Community Relations(3) Course examines theories and strategies related to effective communications with all stakeholder groups. Particular attention is given to the role of educational leaders in developing relationships and constituencies essential for shared vision and support of educational programs within an increasingly diverse and multicultural society. Strategies for providing assistance to the media in interpreting and explaining school programs and student performance data; the development of publication strategies for local dissemination of information; and the development of school-wide and/or program-specific communications plans are examined. This course will utilize “real life” leadership challenges, case studies and problem based learning to understand and identify the best leadership practices in developing strong school and community relations. Students will spend 15 prepracticum hours in authentic experiences with educational leaders in the role of the license sought related to school and community interactions in diverse settings. Students gather information related to family engagement and community involvement needs. Working collaboratively with members of all constituent groups, students develop a proposal to improve family engagement and community involvement, implement and monitor one component of it. Students then - with targeted goals - complete 100 hours of practicum.
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