School of Graduate, Professional and Extended Studies 2023-2024 
    Feb 07, 2025  
School of Graduate, Professional and Extended Studies 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Appendix A - Statement of Faith

This declaration expresses the beliefs common to the administrative officials and the faculty.

  1. The 66 canonical books of the Bible as originally written were inspired of God, hence free from error. They constitute the only infallible guide in faith and practice. A careful translation, such as the New International Version, is sufficiently close to the original writings in text and meaning to be entitled to acceptance as the Word of God.
  2. There is one God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Who are of one substance and equal in power and glory.
  3. Humankind, created in the image of God, through disobedience fell from a sinless state at the suggestion of Satan. This fall plunged humankind into a state of sin and spiritual death, and brought upon the entire race the sentence of eternal death. From this condition humankind can be saved only by the grace of God, through faith, on the basis of the work of Christ and by the agency of the Holy Spirit.
  4. The eternally preexistent Son became incarnate without human father by being born of the virgin Mary. Thus in the Lord Jesus Christ divine and human natures were united in one Person, both natures being whole, perfect and distinct. To effect salvation He lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner’s substitute, shedding His blood for the remission of sins. On the third day He rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He performs the ministry of intercession. He shall come once again, personally and visibly, to complete His saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.
  5. The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Triune God. He applies to humankind the work of Christ. By justification and adoption humankind is given a right standing before God; by regeneration, sanctification and glorification, humankind’s nature is renewed.
  6. The believer, having turned to God in penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is accountable to God for living a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit. It is the responsibility of the believer to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the gospel.
  7. At the end of the age the bodies of the dead shall be raised. The righteous shall enter into full possession of eternal bliss in the presence of God, and the wicked shall be condemned to eternal death.

Appendix B - Campus Behavioral Standards

As a Christian community, Gordon College seeks to maintain itself by fostering ideals and standards consistent with a Christian worldview. These ideals and standards are broadly moral. The College has established a Statement of Life and Conduct setting forth the assumptions and principles which should guide the conduct of responsible Christians and the specific behavioral expectations for members of the Gordon College community.

The use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco is not permitted on the campus or adjacent properties, or at any College-related activity. Members of the Gordon community are not to use, possess or cause to be brought on campus narcotic or hallucinogenic drugs, including marijuana.

Although these and other rules are valuable for orderly community life, they do not dominate or express the spirit of Gordon College. As a community, the College is deeply committed to mutual support, freedom and responsibility, all of which are essential for the practical expression of God’s love. While it is recognized that some students enrolled in the graduate program are not Christians, they are expected to respect and honor the practice of the behavioral standards listed above.

Appendix C - Student Services and Resources Available for Residential Students

Graduate students are expected to pay a general administrative fee per term enrolled. Graduate students receive a College ID and an email account, and have full library access; they may use the Health Center and may use the Bennett Athletic and Recreation Center with graduate student membership acquired directly from the Center’s manager. Health insurance is mandatory for all full-time graduate students. If a student does not have an insurance plan, he or she may purchase the College plan for students. Every vehicle operated on campus must be registered with the Department of Public Safety. A parking sticker must be affixed to the motor vehicle as directed.

Art Gallery. The Barrington Center for the Arts displays exhibits by artists with local and national reputation as well as the works of students, faculty and staff. New exhibits are displayed every three or four weeks with a wide variety of themes and media offered throughout the school year. Receptions and lectures are held for many exhibits, giving members of the Gordon community opportunities to meet artists and speak with them about their work.

Bennett Athletic and Recreation Center. The Bennett Center is a 78,000-square-foot athletic and recreation complex featuring a natatorium (25-yard, six-lane, short-course pool); 5,800-square-foot fitness center with Nautilus, Body Master and cardiovascular equipment; three competition racquetball/wallyball courts; an indoor rock climbing area; aerobic/dance studio; locker rooms with saunas; and a three-court gymnasium with a one-tenth mile walking/jogging track suspended above. Hours of all Bennett Center areas are posted on the campus website, A separate Bennett Center user’s guide is published each year with specific usage policies and procedures. Copies are available upon request. Every Bennett Center user must complete a short membership form at the beginning of each year. Campus picture ID must be presented at each visit.

Bennett Athletic and Recreation Center
Reception Desk: 978.867.3737

Career and Connection Institute. The Career and Connection Institute (CCI) equips students and alumni for lives of flourishing in their work, worship and service. In partnership with the faculty and other departments of the College, we provide opportunities for vocational exploration and professional preparation. Organized around industry- and profession-focused pathways, the Institute coordinates learning, experiences and networking that allow students to explore and pursue their callings. CCI facilitates connections to on-campus and off-campus internship opportunities and other experiences, including expeditions and fairs. Students are encouraged to use the Handshake system to apply for internship and job opportunities, make employer connections, register for CCI events, and access how-tos and templates for use in their career and development processes.

Employment. Full-time, part-time and temporary jobs on and off campus for the school year and summer are listed on the Student Employment website. Students who provide information on their skills, interests and class schedules will be referred to jobs as they are posted. Information on resume writing, interviewing skills and career planning is available. Call or visit the Student Employment Office for information or help.

Student Employment Office
Emery, Suite 102
Phone: 978.867.4281

Food Services. A variety of food services are available to graduate students with cash at Lane Student Center: Food Court, Pizza Shop, Chester’s Place and Gillies Lounge. Bistro 255 also services food which is located on the third floor of the Jenks Library, August to May. There are vending machines with drinks and snacks located on the second level of Jenks Library, on the second floor of MacDonald Hall and in the basement of Frost Hall.

Health Insurance. State law requires that all full-time students (9 credits) either provide evidence of health insurance, choose to purchase health insurance or sign an insurance waiver. If there is no waiver in place, students will be automatically billed for the plan available through the College.

Housing. Housing is not provided for graduate students during the academic year. Special arrangements for summer housing may be arranged on a very limited basis. Summer housing fees are in addition to tuition costs.

ID Cards. When a student is registered to take a graduate course for the first time, an identification number will be issued. This number will be used for the student’s financial account, grades and transcript, parking permit and library usage. A photo ID is obtained through the Center for Technology Services Office on the third floor of Jenks Library.

Lost or Damaged ID Cards
The Center for Technology Services Office is available to assist you with all your technology needs.  If you are in need of a replacement ID card, stop by the CTS Helpdesk and place a request for a new card.

ID Replacement Fees
Lost or replaced ID card-$15
Center for Technology Services
Jenks Library 3rd Floor
Phone: 978.867.4500
Hours: M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30p.m.

Mail Services. Stamps may be purchased and parcels mailed during the hours listed below. All items to be mailed should be properly prepared and ready for shipment before they are delivered to the Mail Room. Outgoing mail is taken twice daily to the South Hamilton Post Office at 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Mail Room
Lane Student Center 158 (lower level)
Phone: 978.867.4296
Hours: M-F, 9 a.m.-4p.m.; Sa, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Public Safety

Rodger Reception Center
Business Phone: 978.867.4444
Emergency Phone: 978.867.4333 (24 hours).

Note: If an officer is not in the Rodger Reception Center, the person on duty can call the Public Service dispatcher, who is on duty 24 hours a day.

Services Provided

  • Visitor passes
  • First aid and emergency medical services
  • Motor vehicle registration
  • Motorist assistance program
  • Crime prevention/investigation
  • Escort service assistance
  • Authorized admittance to rooms/buildings
  • Lost and found services
  • Parking and traffic control

Vehicle Registration. Every vehicle operated on campus by a student, faculty or staff member must be registered with the Department of Public Safety within two days of being brought on campus. This includes part-time, commuter and graduate students. Once a vehicle is registered, a parking permit will be issued and must be immediately affixed to the motor vehicle as directed.

Special Information. Gordon College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its contents while it is on campus. Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Accident Report forms are available from the Department of Public Safety. Massachusetts law requires these to be filed within five days of any accident in which there is any of the following: personal injury or death, total damage of $1,000 or more to motor vehicles, any damage to personal or public property other than motor vehicles. Assistance in filing this report will be given by Public Safety personnel upon request.

School Closing. In the event a decision is made to cancel classes, all students will be notified based on their information listed on the site. Email, phone call and/or text message will be the method of communication. The following stations will carry an announcement:

  • WRKO 680 AM
  • WBZ 1030 AM
  • WBZ-TV Channel 4
  • WCVB-TV Channel 5
  • WHDH-TV Channel 7

Information about school closing is also available from Public Safety at ext. 4444. Please do not call this number as a first option when it is stormy. If school is closed, it will be announced through the media.

Lost and Found. Items found should be turned in to the Public Safety Office. Items will be kept for 30 days and then donated to charity or disposed of.

Registrar’s Office. The Graduate Office is responsible for course scheduling and registration, student records and graduation audits. Requests for transcripts should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office, allowing five business days for processing. Please allow at least two weeks if degree or hours earned verification will be needed by employer at the start of the academic year, and request instructor to submit final grades as soon as possible.

Registrar’s Office
Jenks Library 216
Phone: 978.867.4242
Fax: 978.867.4659
School-year hours: M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Summer hours: M-F, 8 a.m.-noon, 1:15-4:30 p.m.

Appendix D - Academic Resources Available for Residential Students

Jenks Library

Phone: 978.867.4339

  School-year hours: Summer hours:
  M-Th, 7:45 a.m.-midnight M-F, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
  F, 7:45 a.m.-9 p.m. Additional hours as posted
  Sa, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Closed Saturdays and Sundays
  Su, 2 p.m.-12 a.m.  

Jenks Library serves the academic, recreational, social and informational needs of its clientele: Gordon students, faculty and staff. It has relational clientele at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (a separate educational entity nearby) and the academic and public libraries of the North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE). In an inviting atmosphere, the growing collections of current resources and modern electronic access to information make Jenks a vital institutional resource and a source of growing community pride.

The library houses many of the institutional resources that support the Master of Education program. Jenks is open to all Gordon College students, faculty and staff for study and research. The library’s resources include books, microforms, current periodical titles, record albums, tapes, films, CDs, videos, DVDs, specialized collections and Publications of the U.S. Government Printing Office (the library is a partial depository, and the holdings are listed in the online catalog). Jenks also has access to additional resource materials through interlibrary loan systems. A number of library journals for use in the M.Ed. program are available (e.g., Journal of Experiential Education, Applied Measurement in Education, and Young Children). Online databases provide access to the full text of over 15,000 periodicals. Some of the College’s databases include ERIC, EBSCO Professional Development Collection, EBSCO Academic Search Premier, and Infotrac Expanded Academic. The Burgess Curriculum Library is housed on the fourth floor of Jenks Library. It contains PreK-12 textbooks, kits, charts, maps, models, games, instructional devices and specialized diagnostic tests.

Circulation Policy. A student must present a valid bar-coded Gordon College ID card in order to check out materials from the library. Disciplinary procedures will be followed if a student removes library materials from the library without following appropriate checkout procedures.

Library Code of Conduct. In order to ensure every patron’s right to receive needed information and to study in quiet surroundings in Jenks Library, please observe the following rules of common civility.

  • Study areas require silence.
  • Normal conversation is allowed at the circulation desk area, reference room, Bistro 255, and in group-study rooms.
  • Be considerate of others.
  • Keep entrances, aisles and exits clear for free passage.
  • Play audio equipment in designated areas at low volume, preferably with headphones so as not to disturb others.
  • Use appropriate trash containers.
  • Return materials to shelving trucks or desk after use.
  • Observe all campus, local, state and federal laws.
  • Group eating is available in the reference room and Bistro 255.

Due Date. Books and materials in the general circulating collection are loaned for a period of 21 days or until the last day of the term, whichever comes first. Graduate students may borrow Curriculum Library and juvenile materials for 21 days as well.

Overdue Books. Books not returned by the due date will be charged a fine of 10 cents per day per book, not to exceed $5. Overdue Curriculum Library and juvenile materials will be charged a fine of 50 cents per day per item, not to exceed $5.

Recall. All materials checked out are subject to recall three weeks after the original checkout date. Exception: materials needed for reserve are subject to immediate recall with no three-week waiting period.

Notices. It is the student’s responsibility to respond to all recall and overdue notices in person, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Any error or misunderstanding can be cleared from the record only after prompt response to the notice. Fines or any other library charges not paid at the circulation desk will be charged to the student’s account in the Controller’s Office.

Non-Book and Special Materials. Reference books may circulate overnight only and must be returned by the opening hour of the next day. Late items are fined at the rate of 50 cents per hour, not to exceed $5. Videos and CDs circulate for a seven-day loan period; if returned late, the fine is 50 cents per day per item, not to exceed $5.

Vining Collection. Books in the Vining, Special, Early, Brooks or Temperance Collections do not circulate outside the library. The assistance of a librarian on duty must be sought in order to use these materials.

Reserves. A student must present a valid bar-coded ID in order to check out materials on reserve. Reserves circulate for two hours or may be checked out for overnight usage within two hours of closing. Overnight reserves must be returned by the opening hour of the next day. All other reserves are due two hours after they are signed out. Renewal of reserve materials is subject to availability and demand. Fines for overdue reserve materials are 50 cents per hour or any part of the hour per item. There is no established maximum fine.

Goddard Library. Gordon students are permitted to use the library facilities of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary only when specific resource materials are needed. Goddard Library should not be used as a study hall, and Gordon students are expected to follow all of the procedures and rules established by the seminary.

Lockers. Lockers located in the library stacks and in the corridor are available for student use. Keys and information about lockers are available from the library secretary in the main office of the library.

Reference Services. The online catalog, periodical indexes and basic reference sources (EBSCO and CD-ROMs) are housed in the Reference Room adjacent to the lobby on the main entrance level. The online catalog and many of our online databases are also available from Gordon’s websites. Reference help is available M-F, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Su-Th, 6 p.m.-10 p.m. during the school year.

Library “Pin.” Your PIN, together with the bar code number from the back of your ID card will allow you to view your library account for materials checked out, fines owed and items in transit. A library PIN will also allow you to request items from any other NOBLE library and to choose a pickup point (normally here at Gordon). A form for requesting a PIN is available on the library’s website.

Interlibrary Loan. Gordon students may request materials from NOBLE and other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. Students are notified when their requested ILL material has arrived at Gordon and are responsible to return the material to Gordon’s library by the due date. ILL forms may be found on the library’s website.

Academic Success Center

The Academic Success Center (ASC), in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, provides students with disabilities equivalent access that enables them to receive an education equal to that of their nondisabled peers. Gordon provides basic support services and reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Any student with a documented disability who intends to request such services must provide to the Academic Success Center written comprehensive clinical documentation from a specialist; this should be done prior to registration. Testing must be current (i.e., completed within the past three years), provide clear and specific evidence and identification of the disability, and verify accommodation needs with specific academic recommendations (e.g., extended test time, note taking assistance).

Academic Success Center
Jenks Library
Phone: 978.867.4740

Technology Resources

Residential graduate students have the use of four computer labs: two public Windows labs, one public Macintosh lab, and one education lab equipped with both Macintosh and Windows computers. Assistance with resources in the public labs is provided by the Center for Technology Services (CTS). Assistance with resources in the education lab is provided by the Education Department.

Phone: 978.867.4500


The Gordon College Bookstore sells all of the textbooks for classes as well as a variety of clothing, music, food, personal items, Christian books and Bibles.

Lane Student Center (first floor)
Phone: 978.867.4282
Hours: M-F, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sa, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.