The Core Curriculum explores the liberal arts and sciences from a Christian perspective. In core courses students and faculty seek to understand and wisely engage creation and the social order. We investigate diverse aspects of the complexity, coherence and beauty of creation. We interact with historic and contemporary cultures, accepting the longstanding Christian call to seek after truth and beauty, to think critically and constructively, to exercise moral discernment, and to develop habits of just and compassionate action. The curriculum encourages the development of a Christian character that manifests itself in informed and redemptive responses to the world and the needs of the global community.
The Core Curriculum seeks to foster:
- Knowledge of God’s character and purposes as revealed in Scripture and understood in the life of the Church
- Knowledge and stewardship of the creation in all its complexity, coherence and beauty
- Understanding of humankind as created, fallen and redeemed, and an appreciation for various perspectives on human nature
- Understanding of and engagement with global cultures in all their diversity
- Understanding of diverse ways of knowing about nature, humankind and God, and an ability to draw on multiple disciplinary perspectives when confronting complex problems
- Development of Christian character, moral discernment and civic responsibility
- Practice of critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and clear written and oral communication
- Development of aesthetic sensibilities and practices
- Habits of physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellness
COR 107 - The Great Conversation: Foundations in Thinking, Reading and Writing
Students in selected honors/fellows programs will take instead
COR 108 - The Great Conversation: Foundations in Thinking, Reading and Writing and
COR 109 - The Great Conversation: Foundations in Thinking, Reading and Writing
La Vida/Discovery requirement
Students will take one of the following:
PED 015 - Discovery
PED 016 - La Vida Wilderness Expeditions
PED 017 - Concepts of Wellness (by petition only)
BCM 101 - Old Testament History, Literature and Theology
BCM 103 - New Testament History, Literature and Theology
BCM 308 - Christian Theology
HIS 121 - Historical Perspectives on Culture, Belief and Civilization
NSM 202 - The Scientific Enterprise
One of the following philosophy courses:
PHI 118 - The Examined Life
PHI 202 - Philosophy in the Ancient/Medieval World
PHI 203 - Philosophy in the Early Modern World
PHI 220 - Philosophy of Religion
PHI 233 - Environmental Ethics
PHI 234 - Philosophy of Art and Beauty
PHI 236 - Contemporary Ethics: Love, Life, Death
Language Study (8 credits)
One year of foreign language study (in the same language) at the beginning college level is required.
- Students who validate language I or language I and II will complete 4 credits each in social sciences, fine arts, and literature.
- Students who do not validate the language requirement will complete 8 credits of language and 8 credits total in social sciences, fine arts, and literature, with at least two credits from each of those three categories.
Physical Education (each course 0 credits; course fee applied)
Two DIFFERENT courses from PE018-099. Physical Education Activity Classes should be completed prior to junior year. One transcripted varsity sport may fulfill an activity course requirement; second sport or additional seasons cannot be used. Use of club sports participation requires preapproval by the director of physical education. Armed Forces basic training or R.O.T.C. training may also fulfill one activity with documentation.
GENERAL CORE (Choose 4 credits from each division)
Natural Sciences
BIO 150 - Biology I: Cells and Genetics
BIO 151 - Biology II: Animal Biology
BIO 213 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 222 - Environmental Science
BIO 225 - Nutrition
BIO 302 - Crops and Society
CPS 110 - Algorithms and Machines: An Introduction to Computer Science
CPS 121 - Introduction to Programming
CPS 331 - Artificial Intelligence
KIN 213 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
KIN 112 - Introduction to Human Movement Studies
MAT 134 - Survey of Calculus
MAT 141 - Calculus I
MAT 200 - Mathematical Inquiry
NSM 220 - Human Biology, Health and Disease
PHY 111 - General Physics I
PHY 121 - Introductory Physics I
PHY 125 - Introduction to Engineering and the Applied Sciences
PHY 200 - Astronomy
PHY 283 - Modern Physics
PHY 293 - Mechanics
PHY 372 - Thermal Physics
Social Sciences
ECB 101 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECB 349 - Leadership in and of Organizations
POL 104 - American National Politics
POL 312 - Justice
POL 322 - American Political Thought
SWK 201 - Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare
Fine Arts
ART 150 - Art History: Cave Art to Medieval
ART 151 - Art History: Renaissance to Modern
ART 152 - American Art History as Cultural Encounter
ART 410 - Modern Art Seminar
COM 356 - Media Criticism
COM 358 - Film and TV Genres
FNA 112 - Arts in Concert
MUS 241 - A Survey of Musical Masterworks
MUS 245 - World Music
MUS 337 - Music in Worship
ORV 270 - Disegno/Drawing at Orvieto
THT 234 - Introduction to Theatre
THT 291 - International Seminar: Studies on British Stage
Ensemble Option
For non-music majors only, the Fine Arts requirement may be fulfilled by completing four semesters of ensembles. Ensembles may be taken for one or zero credits; completion of more than one ensemble in any semester still counts as one semester towards the requirement.
MUS 250 - College Choir
MUS 251 - Symphonic Band
MUS 252 - Men’s Choir
MUS 253 - Gordon Symphony Orchestra
MUS 254 - Women’s Choir
MUS 257 - Jazz Ensemble
MUS 258 - Wind Ensemble
ENG 141 - Western Literature
ENG 143 - Women’s Literature
ENG 145 - Nobel Literature
ENG 148 - Literature and Human Rights
ENG 211 - Introduction to the Study of Language and Literature
ENG 247 - Introduction to African American Literature
EDU 232 - Adolescent Literature
SPN 372 - Survey of Latin American Literature