Dec 11, 2024
ASP 322 - Advocacy and Diplomacy Field SeminarCredits: 3 Each student writes an Individual Advocacy Case Study (IACS) analyzing a policy advocacy campaign led by a national political actor (“the protagonist”). The advocacy campaign is focused on a well-defined domestic or foreign policy or program. Students are encouraged to select a case related to their internships. The IACS documents specific advocacy goals and objectives adopted by the protagonist. A situational analysis explains the economic, political, and social context of the advocacy campaign. The IACS concludes with an evaluation of the protagonist’s decisions about target audiences, messaging, and communication tactics. The study is supported by a lecture series of Washington, D.C.-based policy advocacy, diplomacy, and lobbying professionals. Each student presents their IACS to a Washington, D.C.-based policy professional who works directly on the issue.
Corequisite(s): Available only to students participating in the BestSemester American Studies Program.
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