Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2018-2019 
    Feb 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



A Gordon education is a valuable investment worthy of hard work and sacrifice. Students are expected to draw upon every resource available to them-personal and family assets and income, and various scholarships and loan funds-in financing their share of the cost.

Gordon’s Financial Contribution

In an effort to reduce the financial burden on individual students, Gordon depends on gifts from many charitable sources to help pay for each student’s education. These generous gifts have resulted in an equivalent annual benefit of more than $9,500 per student enrolled. These donations are needed above and beyond the money raised through the collection of tuition and fees.

Basic Term Expenses for 2018-2019

The academic year is divided into two semesters of 16 weeks each. The following rates are per semester.

  Tuition (12 to 20 semester credit hours)  $ 17,900  
Board (meal plan)    2,035  
Room (double occupancy)*    3,500  
Comprehensive Services and Technology Fee    727  
Health Center Fee    73  
  Total $ 24,235  
Semester Credit Hour Blocks Per Semester Tuition
  1-2   2,536  
3-4   4,904  
5-6   7,356  
7-11   9,840  
12-20   17,900  
21   19,026  
22   20,180  
23   21,320  
24   22,430  
25   23,572  
26   24,724  

Auditing. Full-time students may audit one course a semester free of charge. Alumni may audit one course a semester for a $10 fee. All other students pay one-half tuition charge. (See Admissions Academic Policies section .)

Internships. Internship costs which exceed the block tuition will be charged to the student. Zero credit internships have a course fee of $50.

Summer Term. Gordon also offers varied courses during Summer Term at a reduced tuition rate. See www.gordon.edu/summerterm.

* Room (double occupancy) without board contract in Ferrin apartment doubles $3,837; Tavilla Hall: doubles $4,478; singles $4,616. Room charge includes laundry facility fee.


The College reserves the right to change or add fees at any time or assess a surcharge per semester for increases in energy costs not known at the time the fee structure was established.

Miscellaneous Fees*

Charges, in addition to those specified above, are made for the following items.

Health and Accident insurance fee for August 1, 2018-July 31, 2019 will be assessed each student unless a waiver with proof of equivalent coverage has been provided prior to the start of classes. Additional charges may be made for remedial or tutorial programs, property damages or extended professional counseling.

Laboratory/Computer Fee: $152 per laboratory course; $75 per quad course or NSM 202 The Scientific Enterprise .

Late Fee: $25 per course when petitioned late changes are approved.

Orientation Fee: $150 for incoming students only.

Outdoor Education Fee - First Year: Discovery and Concepts of Wellness $695; La Vida $895 ($200 nonrefundable deposit for incoming students only); special drop, withdrawal and refund policies apply. Must be taken first year of enrollment.

Parking Fee: $238 per year for resident students; $134 per year for commuters.

Physical Education Activity Fee: Basic fee $125 per quad plus additional costs where applicable.

Validation Examination Fee: $50 per examination

Graduation Fee: $150.00

Music Fees*

Nonrefundable after the fifth day of semester. All enrollments or changes require departmental approval. Contact Department of Music. Ensemble participants may also be billed for performance attire.

Applied Music Lessons
Private lessons (12 per semester) include use of music facilities. 1, 3, 4 credits are available to music majors only while 2 credits are available to music majors and music minors. Non-music majors may audition at the beginning of the academic year.

60 minute lesson: $760 per semester (3 or 4 credits)
     30 minute lesson: $380 per semester (1 or 2 credits)

60 minute lesson: $1,080 per semester 
     30 minute lesson: $550 per semester

Instrument Methods Classes
Music Education majors: $150 per semester
Brass, Guitar, Percussion, Strings, Woodwinds

Piano Proficiency Class
$150 per semester
Music Education majors take 4 semesters: Level A, B, C, D
Performance majors take 2 semesters: Level A, B
BA majors take 2 semesters: Level A, B

Collaborative Pianist
Required for vocal majors. Optional, but highly recommended for instrumental majors. Most non-majors/minors taking applied lessons for credit will need a collaborative pianist for their jury.

Option A: $530 per semester
Ten 60 minute sessions over the course of the semester
Two Musicianship performances
1 class recital (or 1 additional performance/rehearsal as agreed upon with collaborative pianist)
One jury performance

Option B: $275 per semester
Ten 60 minute sessions over the course of the semester
Two Musicianship performances
1 class recital (or 1 additional performance/rehearsal as agreed upon with collaborative pianist)
One jury performance

Supplementary Options (if student does not wish to purchase either of the collaborative pianist options above)

Jury: $60
     One 60 minute rehearsal and a jury performance

Musicianship: $30 (majors perform twice in this class each semester)
     One 30 minute rehearsal and a musicianship class performance

Class Recital: $30 (majors perform in a class recital once in an academic year)
     One 30 minute rehearsal and a class recital performance

Individual Student Recitals
Full recital:
Two hour dress rehearsal and a recital performance

Half recital: $125
One 60 minute rehearsal and a recital performance

* All fees are subject to change by action of the College administration.

Board (Meal plans)

Community Residence Halls

Students residing in community residence halls are required to participate in at least the Basic Meal Block Plan. Participation in the Meal Block Plan is set at $2,035 per semester. Students needing specialized dietary plans will be assisted by the College Dining Services Director.

Apartment Residents

Residents of Bromley Hall, Tavilla Hall, the five Ferrin Hall apartments, the Village, or Dexter House are automatically enrolled in the 80 Meal Block Plan. The cost of the Meal Block Plan is set at $1,020 per semester. Apartment residents not wishing to participate in the Meal Block Program can contact the Office of Student Life to opt out. Apartment residents are also able to select any of the other plans described below.

Basic Meal Block Plan Description:

  • 190 all-you-care-to-eat meals (swipes) plus 8 guest swipes and with 300 Dining Points
    • Flexible meal blocks (swipes) can be used throughout the semester in the Lane all-you-care-to-eat venue, at the student’s discretion, giving them control and management of their meals during the semester
    • Dining Points can be used in any of the retail locations on campus or to pay the door rate for the all-you-care-to-eat venue

Other Meal Block Plan Options

  • 240 all-you-care-to-eat meals (swipes) plus 8 guest swipes and with 100 Dining Points (same price as Basic Meal Block Plan)
  • Unlimited swipes in the all-you-care-to-eat venue and 100 Dining Points (Premium Plan)

For Apartment Residents Only

  • 80 all-you-care-to-eat meals (swipes) plus 4 guest swipes and with 250 Dining Points
  • 1,020 Dining Points  with no swipes as an alternative

Semester Cost


240 swipes (with 100 Dining Points, plus 8 guest swipes) $2,035
190 swipes (with 300 Dining Points, plus 8 guest swipes) $2,035
80 swipes (with 250 Dining Points, plus 4 guest swipes) $1,020
Dining Points  (Apartment Residents Only ) $1,020
Premium - unlimited swipes (100 Dining Points, plus 8 guest swipes) $2,250


Comprehensive Services and Technology Fee*

This fee covers student activities, student services, and technology. It is charged to all full-time students living on or off campus, or in an external education program through the College. Students living off campus and enrolled between 5 and 11 credit hours are charged half of the fee. Students enrolled in 4 credits or less are not charged the fee.

Health Center Fee*

The Health Center serves all registered Gordon students, regardless of where they reside. This fee is charged each semester to all full-time students living on or off campus, or in an external education program through the College. Students living off campus and enrolled in between 5 and 11 credit hours are charged half of the fee while students enrolled in 4 credits or less are not charged the fee. Students may visit as often as necessary. There is no charge for medical information or for seeing a nurse. There is a $15 advanced practitioner fee if a student chooses to see a certified nurse practitioner or medical doctor.

Application Fee*

All applicants for admission pay a $50 fee to cover part of the processing cost. It is not refundable and is not credited to the cost of registration. Persons desiring evaluation of credits (transcripts) for transfer from other institutions must send $50 with their request. This is not refundable but may be credited to the application fee.


New students. All students accepted for admission must remit a nonrefundable deposit of $250 before May 1 for fall semester (December 15 for spring semester) or as indicated on their letter of acceptance.

  • $200 will be credited toward first-semester charges.
  • $50 will be held as a damage deposit to cover possible fines and miscellaneous charges at the time the student graduates, or withdraws. The deposit is refundable approximately one month after graduation (or after a timely and proper withdrawal), provided no charges have been made against the account.

Returning students. Students returning for the 2019-2020 academic year must remit by March 28, 2019 a $100 nonrefundable preregistration deposit. A returning student’s spring semester bill must be paid in full before deposits for the upcoming academic year will be accepted.

All students residing on campus must pay an additional $100 housing deposit prior to April 1. If a housing reservation is cancelled in writing before June 1, the deposit will be refunded in full. If a housing reservation is cancelled in writing between June 1 and June 30, $50 will be refunded. No refund is offered if a housing reservation is cancelled on or after July 1.

All fees are subject to change by action of the College administration.

Leave of Absence and Withdrawal

Leave of Absence. A student who desires to take a leave of absence for one or two semesters must complete the online leave of absence process through Student Life in Lane Student Center. Students who are absent for more than two semesters must reapply for admission.              

Withdrawal. A student who wishes to withdraw from Gordon College must complete the online withdrawal process through Student Life in Lane Student Center.

IMPORTANT NOTE: A student who leaves Gordon College without completing the official leave of absence or withdrawal process will be considered to have withdrawn, and will be required to apply for readmission if he or she later wishes to return to the College. Failure to officially withdraw may result in an inability to obtain a financial refund.

Balance due. When a student withdraws or takes a leave of absence, and his or her account has a balance due, it must be paid in full. If full payment cannot be made at that time, the student must enroll in a Non-Current Student Payment Plan with AutoPay, through CASHNet (automatic monthly deductions from a checking account or credit card). If the student fails to do so, the College may charge interest at the rate of 1.25 percent per month (15 percent annually), or refer the account to an outside collections agency. All collection fees are charged to the student.


Gordon College Refund Policy

Tuition charges: If a student withdraws from Gordon College before a term begins, or in the first four weeks of the term, the College will refund some or all of their tuition charges. The portions that will be refunded depend on the date of withdrawal. In the chart of dates and percentages, the right column lists the dates by which a student must initiate the formal process of taking a leave of absence, or withdrawing, in order to obtain the percent refunds listed in the left column. Processing a refund takes approximately two weeks. If the refund creates a credit balance on the student’s account, that refund may be requested in writing.

Room charges: No refunds are offered for room charges.

Board charges: Board refunds will be granted per schedule below. A student who provides notification of withdrawal prior to the beginning of a semester will receive a refund of 100% of all board charges. For updates to this policy, see the Billing Guide (www.gordon.edu/financialforms).


Refunds for Withdrawal

Students who officially withdraw from the College through the Associate Dean of Students may be granted refunds on tuition charges based on the following schedule:

Deadlines 2018-2019

Refund   Fall Spring
100% Before August 29 Before January 16
80% August 29 - September 7 January 16 - January 25
70%   September 8 - September 14 January 26 - February 1
60% September 15 - September 21 February 2 - February 8
50% September 22 - September 28 February 9 -February 15
none   After September 28 After February 15

A student who withdraws after registration without advice and consent of the dean of students, or who is suspended for disciplinary reasons or nonpayment of a financial obligation to the College, receives no refunds. An appeals process exists for students or parents who believe that an unusual circumstance exists which warrants exception to the published College policy. The appeal must be initiated through Student Life.

How Withdrawal Affects a Student’s Federal Aid

The Office of Student Financial Services is required by federal statute to recalculate federal financial aid eligibility for students who withdraw, drop out, are dismissed, or take a leave of absence prior to completing 60% of a semester. For unofficial withdrawals, the withdrawal date used for aid recalculation is the midpoint of the semester. The student’s eligibility for funds received from federal Title IV financial aid programs must be recalculated in these situations. Recalculation is based on the following Federal Return of Title IV funds formula.

  • Percentage of earned aid = number of days of the semester completed up to the withdrawal date divided by the total days in the semester. Funds are returned to the appropriate federal program based on the percentage of unearned aid using the following formula:
  • Aid to be returned = (100% of the aid that could be disbursed minus the percentage of earned aid) multiplied by the semester total amount of aid that could have been disbursed during the semester.

If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, the institution is required to return a portion of the funds that have been received by the student. Keep in mind that when Title IV funds are returned, the student may owe a balance to the institution.

If a student earned more aid than was disbursed, the institution would owe the student a post-withdrawal disbursement which must be paid within 120 days of the student’s withdrawal.

If a student who began attendance and did not officially withdraw fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course over an entire semester, the college must assume that the student has unofficially withdrawn. Federal financial aid recipients will have their awards reviewed and recalculated based on that status.

Failure to officially withdraw may result in an inability to obtain a financial refund. See Summer Term web page for withdrawal and refund policies.

Students who withdraw or take a leave of absence from the college and are receiving federal financial aid may be subject to the federal Return of Title IV Aid and state financial aid return policies. Students who plan to withdraw or take a leave of absence must notify Student Life. Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal. If a student who began attendance and did not officially withdraw fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course over an entire semester, the college must assume that the student has unofficially withdrawn. Unofficial withdrawals will be determined within 90 days of the end of the semester. Federal financial aid recipients will have their awards reviewed and recalculated, causing a reduction in aid awarded.

Remember that if you are not enrolled at least half-time for more than six months, your student loans will go into repayment.


Refunds for Dropped Courses

Students officially dropping from courses with approval of their advisor may be granted a tuition refund to the level of the new course load as follows: Full refund is allowed for any difference in tuition charges due to reduced load when such a drop takes place during the first five days of classes; 90% refund is allowed for differences in tuition charges through Friday of the second week; no refund is allowed thereafter (except for course fees if quad 2 or 4 courses are dropped). Special refund policies apply to Summer Term, applied music, La Vida and Discovery classes. See departmental offices.

Withdrawing from courses beyond the full refund deadline does not remove hours from the tuition block. Adding a quad 2 or 4 course may increase the student’s tuition. Although a student may be within a block tuition level at a particular point during the semester, billing is based on total credits registered for during the semester, less refunds for courses dropped before the refund deadline.

Payment Schedule

Payment for the first semester will be due July 15 and payment for the second semester will be due December 15. An optional monthly payment plan is available. The payment plan does include an administrative fee of $50 per semester.  Payment plan details are outlined at www.gordon.edu/paymentoptions.  Payment in full, or approval of a payment plan, is required to gain financial clearance to register or finalize registration. Any outstanding balances due as of October 4 or March 14 may be subject to a late payment fee.

Financial Aid

Attending a Christian college represents a significant investment of a family’s resources. Gordon’s Student Financial Services Office is committed to helping families meet the costs of a quality liberal arts education. The Student Financial Services Office identifies financial resources for eligible students. A financial aid package may consist of grants, scholarships, loans and student employment opportunities funded through federal, state and College sources. This financial aid is intended to bridge the gap between the cost of education and the family’s calculated ability to pay.

Two Types of Financial Aid

In broad terms financial aid can be divided into two types or categories: merit-based and need-based. Merit-based aid is awarded based on achievement (academic performance, demonstrated leadership, etc.), regardless of a family’s financial circumstances. Students who apply for admission will automatically be reviewed for most of Gordon’s merit-based aid programs. Need-based aid is awarded based on a family’s financial need.

Applying for Need-Based Aid

New families applying for need-based aid must submit financial data by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA for the 2019-20 academic year will be available beginning October 1, 2018. If a FAFSA is selected by the Department of Education for verification, families will also need to submit to Student Financial Services the Gordon Verification Worksheet and all required documentation.

Returning students must reapply for financial aid each year using the FAFSA and the Gordon Scholarship and Aid Renewal Application.*

The priority deadline for receipt of all application materials for new students is March 1, and for returning students, April 15. It is not necessary for a student to be accepted for admission before submitting financial aid applications. While applications received after these deadlines will be reviewed, some funds may be depleted and thus unavailable. Gordon College adheres to a need blind admissions policy.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Federal regulations require that schools monitor the academic progress of each student receiving federal financial assistance and that the school verify that the applicant is making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) towards earning his/her degree.  SAP is monitored at the completion of every semester to ensure financial aid recipients are maintaining satisfactory progress in the following two areas:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average
  2. Maximum Time Frame and Credit Completion Rate  

Cumulative Grade Point Average
Students must maintain the minimum cumulative grade point average outlined in the chart below to meet the cumulative grade point average requirement. These cumulative grade point average standards are consistent with academic standards required for graduation.

  Credits Attempted Minimum Grade Point Average
0-26 1.60
27-55 1.80
56-above 2.00

* Included in the credits attempted are accepted transfer credits and all courses attempted at Gordon, which includes withdrawals, incompletes and failed courses.

Maximum Time Frame and Credit Completion Rate

Federal regulations state that students will not be eligible to receive financial aid once they have attempted more than 150% of the normal credits required for their degree program. At Gordon, students will no longer to eligible to receive financial aid once they have attempted 186 credit hours. To ensure that students will finish their program within this time frame, Gordon requires that 67% of cumulative credits attempted be completed in order to meet this requirement. A student’s completion percentage is determined by dividing the number of attempted cumulative credit hours by the number of cumulative credit hours that were earned. This figure will be evaluated at the end of each semester.

Important Considerations

The following are considered when evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress:

  • Withdrawals, incompletes and failures are considered attempted but not earned hours.
  • Passing credits received for pass/fail courses are considered attempted and earned credits; failing grades in pass/fail courses are considered attempted but not earned.
  • Satisfactory grades received for satisfactory / unsatisfactory courses are considered attempted and earned credits; unsatisfactory grades in satisfactory / unsatisfactory courses are considered attempted but not earned.
  • All repeated courses are included in the calculation of both attempted and earned hours.
  • Transfer credits accepted by Gordon College are included in the credit completion rate and maximum time frame calculations, but not the GPA.

Financial Aid Warning
A student who fails to meet the prescribed minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the subsequent semester attended. During the semester the student on Financial Aid Warning is eligible to receive federal, state, and institutional financial aid. At the end of the Financial Aid Warning semester, the student must meet satisfactory academic progress standards or eligibility to receive federal, state, and institutional financial aid will be lost for the following semester.


Students who are not meeting the prescribed minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress after the Financial Warning semester may appeal to have their situation reviewed by Student Financial Services. Approval of a student’s financial aid appeal will be based on extenuating circumstances outside the normal school activities that had an impact on the student’s ability to achieve the minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress. The appeal must be submitted in writing by the student to the Student Financial Services Office and include:

  • Why the student failed to make satisfactory academic progress.
  • What has changed that will allow the student achieve the standards of satisfactory academic progress.

Financial Aid Probation

If the appeal is approved, the student will be notified and placed on Financial Aid Probation. This provides the student with one additional semester of financial aid eligibility in which to regain compliance with satisfactory progress standards. Alternatively, an appeal may be conditionally approved, with the requirement that the student have an academic plan in place. If SAP is not met after the probationary semester, or the academic plan is not followed, the student loses eligibility to receive federal, state, and institutional financial aid.

Regaining Eligibility
Students whose appeals have not been approved may regain eligibility for aid when they reach the minimum standards of satisfactory progress. Students may continue to attend courses at Gordon College without the assistance of federal, state, and institutional financial aid. In addition, students may be able to attend classes elsewhere in order to demonstrate eligibility for reconsideration of aid. Students are determined to be eligible for funds when they have satisfied the minimum standards of satisfactory progress.

Scholarships, Grants and Loans

Federal Pell Grants. This program is the basic undergraduate federal grant program. When fully funded, the grants range between $596 and $5,920 for students who qualify. Award amounts are determined by the Federal Department of Education. Apply by using the FAFSA.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG). Pell Grant recipients with extraordinary financial need qualify for these federal funds awarded by the College.

Gordon Grants. Students with financial need as determined by the Student Financial Services Office may receive grants from this fund in accordance with institutional policies. Apply by using the FAFSA and the Gordon Scholarship and Aid Renewal Application.

National Merit Finalist Scholarship. Finalist may receive an award of $24,000, including any stipend provided by the NMSC. Contact the Admissions Office for application material. The award is renewable based on a 3.25 GPA

National Merit Semi-Finalist Scholarship. Semi-Finalist may receive an award of $20,000, including any stipend provided by the NMSC. Contact the Admissions Office for application material. The award is renewable based on a 3.25 GPA

National Merit Commended Scholarship. Commended may receive an award of $20,000, including any stipend provided by the NMSC. Contact the Admissions Office for application material. The award is renewable based on a 3.25 GPA.

National Achievement Finalist Scholarship. Student may receive an award of $24,000, including any stipend provided by the NMSC. Contact the Admissions Office for application material. The award is renewable based on a 3.25 GPA.

National Achievement Semi-Finalist Scholarship. Student may receive an award of $20,000, including any stipend provided by the NMSC. Contact the Admissions Office for application material. The award is renewable based on a 3.25 GPA.

Clarendon Scholarship. Twelve first-year students from urban areas are selected because of their demonstrated leadership in their school and church, their academic promise, and their desire to positively impact urban communities. For more information, visit www.gordon.edu/clarendonscholars.

Founders’, Ockenga’s, Lewis’, Wood’s Scholarships. Awards of $9,000 to $18,000 are made to students upon admission on the basis of their previous academic record. A cumulative grade point average of 3.25 for Founders’ and Ockenga’s, 3.15 for Lewis’ and 3.00 for Wood’s Scholarships must be maintained for renewal.

Heritage Grant. Grant of $500 is awarded to students whose parent(s) graduated from Gordon College or Barrington College.

Minister/Missionary Scholarship.  Awarded to students whose parents are in full-time ministry or missions work. Awards range from $500 to $2,000.

Music Scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate leadership in music groups on recommendation of music faculty. For details see the Department of Music section.

Federal Stafford Student Loans. There are two types of Stafford Loans: subsidized (the interest is paid by the government while you are attending school), and unsubsidized (interest begins to accrue once the loan is disbursed). Payments on Stafford Loans are deferred while attending at least half-time. Annual loan limits are: $5,500 for freshmen ($3,500 may be subsidized), $6,500 for sophomores ($4,500 may be subsidized), and $7,500 for juniors and seniors ($5,500 may be subsidized). Independent students will qualify for an additional unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Eligibility for the subsidized portion of the Stafford Loan is based on financial need as determined by the Student Financial Services Office. Students who do not demonstrate financial need will be awarded the maximum unsubsidized Stafford Loan. The FAFSA must be completed each year to receive Stafford Loans.

Federal Perkins Loans. Another form of federally subsidized student loan, the Perkins Loan is awarded by the Student Financial Services Office directly to students with financial need. Loans are a supplement to, not a replacement for, Stafford Loans.

Parent Loans (PLUS). Parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance minus other aid at below-market rates. Repayment begins within 45 days after receipt of the loan and may be extended 10-15 years. A deferment option is available from the lender. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for more information.

Endowed Scholarships

The following funds were given to the College to underwrite its financial aid programs. Funds from these scholarships and other annual scholarships may be used to replace Gordon grants and underwrite merit scholarships. Eligibility is determined based upon financial need and the criteria established by the donors. Additional unendowed scholarships are also available. For more information, contact the Student Financial Services Office. See application requirements in the Financial Aid section of the Undergraduate Academic Catalog.

African Student Scholarship
George I. Alden Scholarship Endowment
Bernard Anderson Memorial Endowment
Anonymous (Foreign Aid) Scholarship
Arakelyan Scholarship
Florence Hewey Archibald Scholarship
Manuel and Madelyn Avila Scholarship
Sarah Ball Memorial Award
Francis J. Bank Endowment Fund
Barrington Alumni Fund
Barrington Scholars Endowment
Ken and Jane Bath Scholarship
Alfred and Irene Bray Memorial Scholarship
Bray-Moores Memorial Scholarship Grant
Breton Scholarship Grant
Gary Brown Achievement Award
Professor William Buehler Endowed Scholarship Fund
Buettner-Edmondson Scholarship
Malcolm T. Calder Memorial Scholarship Fund
R. Judson Carlberg Scholarship in Global Education
Gordon Lloyd and Gwendolyn C. Carr Scholarship
Marion Jackson Carter Memorial Award
D. Lee Chestnut Scholarship
Sastra Chim-Chan Memorial Scholarship
Christian Scholars Aid Fund
Clarendon Street Baptist Church Scholarship Grant
Dr. and Mrs. Frank R. Clark and Robert R. Clark Memorial Scholarship
Class of 1933 Scholarship Awards
Class of 1991 Endowed Scholarship
Class of 1992 Scholarship
Bill and Betty Clay Scholarship
Ethel B. Coit Scholarship Fund
Robert C. Cooley Memorial Scholarship
Rev. and Mrs. William J. Crawford Scholarship
Julia and Myrtie Crooker Scholarship Fund
Crossroads Scholarship Award
Jessie Stuart Cunningham and Alfred B. Cunningham Memorial Scholarship
Rev. Dr. Lloyd F. Dean Scholarship
Charles E. Diehm Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ethel M. Dixon and Harold S. Dixon Scholarship
Rebecca Donaldson Scholarship Grant
Harry M. Durning Scholarship
Earle Memorial Scholarship
East-West Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson Memorial Fund
Ferrin Friends Scholarship
David L. Furman Memorial Scholarship
Howard W. Ferrin Scholarship
Fannie Field Scholarship
Madeline Fife Endowed Scholarship
President James Forrester Award
David Lincoln Franz Fellowship Award
Dr. Ralph Galbraith Scholarship
Calvin B. and Sigrid Geary Scholarship
Edwin K. Gedney Memorial Scholarship
Constantine and Katherine George Memorial Scholarship
Glendale Congregational Church Memorial Scholarship
Gordon Alumni Scholarship
Gordon Faculty Scholarship
Hardy Houghran Gordon and Harold William Gordon Memorial Scholarship
John Manning Gordon Scholarship
Richard Y. Grant and Wilma M. Grant Music Scholarship
Walter Byron Greene Memorial Scholarship
Dick and Jody Gross Servant-Leader Scholarship
Sonja M. Gullbrand Scholarship
Miriam Frances Gushee Memorial Scholarship
Gordon and Gayle Hall Scholarship
May E. Hancock Scholarship
Helen Gordon Harrell Scholarship Fund
Edward Haskell Scholarship
Jennie E. Hilton Scholarship
Edna C. Hintz Scholarship Fund
His Scholarship
Hollinghurst Family Scholarship
Home Mission Grant
Samuel C. and Susan B. Howes Scholarship
Norma L. Huse Scholarship
Margaret T. Jensen Scholarship
R. Wallace and Norma Griest Journey Scholarship
Violet Baldauf Kaczynski Center Scholarship
Violet Baldauf Kaczynski Scholarship Award
Miriam F. Kenyon Scholarship
Gordon Edward Kirkpatrick Scholarship
Daniel and Ronnie Jean Klim Scholarship
Margaret and Isabelle Laird and Alfred and Vesta Briggs Endowed Scholarship
Lancaster Endowed Scholarship
Helen Rhodes Lane Scholarship
Stanley M. Lane Memorial Scholarship
Martha B. and T. Leonard Lewis Memorial Scholarship
Eric Liddell Sportsmanship Award
Edward A. and Katherine A. Lindsay Scholarship
Walter E. Lockhart, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Eulelah W. Lyon Scholarship
Donald Edward MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
Stewart G. MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
Lois Clark Marshall Scholarship
Mary W. Maxim Scholarship
Jane Douglas McGunigle Scholarship
Jerrold L. McNatt Physics Scholarship
Melissa Bell Meisenhelder Scholarship
Mephibosheth Scholarship
Edwin J. Montalvo Memorial Scholarship
Rt. Rev. Dr. James I. Mundia Memorial Scholarship
Agnes Neilson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Pop Noble Scholarship
Elizabeth Gage Pea Scholarship
Peterson Scholarship
Phi Alpha Chi Scholarship
Stephen Phillips Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Thomas L. Phillips and Raytheon Scholarship
Pierce Married Student Scholarship
Martha E. Pierce Scholarship Fund
Sandra L. Pillsbury Scholarship Award
Bernard Roy Pollock Memorial Scholarship Grant
Potter Scholarship
Alice Morse Powell and Herbert J. Powell Scholarship
Priscilla and Aquila Scholarship
Anna C. Rowse Scholarship
Thelma R. Royal Scholarship
Martha Sagendorph and Eleanor Daniels Scholarship
Rita E. Salls Scholarship Fund
Burnett and Dorothy Sams Scholarship
Sandberg Memorial Scholarship
William E. and Bertha E. Schrafft Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Carl Fred Schuessler Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth R. Seal Scholarship
Seasons (Gordon College Women’s Auxiliary Endowed Scholarship)
Eben Seccomb and Hannah B. Seccomb Memorial Scholarship
ServiceMaster Scholarship
Olive Sillers Memorial Scholarship
Leonard E. and Florence A. Smith Memorial Scholarship
Grace E. Somers Scholarship
Order of the Sons of Temperance of North America Bursary Endowed Scholarship
June Spaulding Endowed Scholarship
Stebbings Clemence Scholarship
Alexander D. Stewart Scholarship
George R. Stotlemyer Memorial Scholarship
Surdna Scholarship
Olive Keene Sweetnam Fund
Stephen and Claire Tavilla Endowed Scholarship Fund
Lloyd and June Taylor Memorial Scholarship
Susan Mabel Tefft Scholarship Fund
S. B. Thing Foundation Scholarship
Elizabeth Gordon Thompson Scholarship
Marcia L. Thompson Scholarship
Dr. Frank A. and Edna S. Tobey Memorial Scholarship
Mabel C. Tousey Scholarship
Emily K. Town Memorial Scholarship
Tyndale Scholarship
Rev. Dirk van der Voet Memorial Scholarship
George P. Vaughan Scholarship Fund
Dr. Stanley A. Washburn Scholarship
Nina L. Wight and Lena C. Murdoch Scholarship
Malcolm C. and Marion K. Wilson Scholarship
Robert K. and Helen R. Wilson Scholarship

Graduate Grant and Scholarship Assistance

Gordon College encourages its best and brightest students to apply for grants and scholarships for postgraduate study. Pamela Thuswaldner, the Gordon College Fulbright Program advisor, guides students through the application process as they submit draft research and/or teaching proposals, collect required forms, prepare for their campus committee interview, and complete their applications. In 2008 Emily Fisher, a 2005 Gordon College graduate with a psychology major, was awarded a Fulbright student grant to study health promotion philosophy and research methodology at the University of Bergen. Ms. Fisher was the fourth Fulbright recipient from Gordon College in the last three years. The Fulbright Student Program is designed to give recent B.S./B.A. graduates, master’s and doctoral candidates, young professionals and artists opportunities for personal development and international experience. Participants are chosen for their leadership potential and have the opportunity to observe each other’s cultures, exchange ideas and teach or undertake research and graduate study. Fulbright Information Workshops are held each spring. Contact Ms. Thuswaldner for additional information.

Student Employment Opportunities

On- and off-campus part-time jobs are available through the Student Employment Office, where job opportunities and employer contacts are posted online. In on-campus hiring, priority is given to students receiving a Federal Work-Study allotment as part of their financial aid package. Off-campus opportunities range from one-time projects to year-round part-time jobs that may or may not be career-related. Typically students work 10-15 hours per week during the term. Before starting any on-campus employment, students must complete new hire paperwork requiring an original passport, birth certificate or social security card. Students have access to all on- and off-campus job postings through the student employment website: www.gordon.edu/studentemployment.