Gordon College Academic Catalog 2024-2025
Academic Schools (Undergraduate and Graduate)
Adams School of Music and the ArtsMISSION: The Adams School of Music and the Arts offers opportunities for students to develop their creative capabilities and deepen their understanding of the fine arts. Through varied learning environments and practices, students refine their aesthetic values for both critique and creative expression; engage historical perspectives on the interplay among the fine arts, faith and culture; develop competencies that broaden knowledge and comprehension of a particular art form; and develop facility in creative and conscientious communicative practices.
Herschend School of EducationMISSION: The Undergraduate programs in the Herschend School of Education prepare individuals who are grounded in Christian principles for careers as professionals in education. The Herschend School of Education is committed to the establishment of a nurturing community of learners, partnering with local schools and institutions of service, preparing professional leaders and developing Christian agents of change.
School of BusinessMISSION: The School of Business seeks to prepare students for lives of service and leadership in a variety of settings, from business firms to government, in the national and world economies. The School strives to graduate men and women with solid technical preparation, personal integrity and concern for issues of justice and stewardship, well equipped for graduate studies and careers in business and economics. The School develops students’ intellectual maturity and Christian character through the careful study and application of economic and business principles within the moral framework of the Christian faith.
School of Humanities and Social SciencesMISSION: The School of Humanities seeks to enable students and faculty to explore and articulate their Christian worldview, reflecting on the human condition and varieties of human experience, and using minds informed by biblical faith.
A major focus of the humanities is the appropriate use of languages, particularly the construction and interpretation of written texts. Our disciplines focus on the task of clarifying words, concepts and arguments; we value both imaginative and rhetorical skills. Our scholarly efforts seek to maintain a critical dialogue with the past. Our disciplines do not lead to primarily utilitarian ends but rather seek to make possible a deeper personal and social life.
School of Ministry, Theology, and Biblical StudiesMISSION: The School of Ministry, Theology, and Biblical Studies fosters a community where students and professors prepare to engage our cultural contexts with a vibrant and effective understanding of the Scriptures, construct a coherent biblical worldview, grapple with questions that address faith and life, and serve as responsible citizens of the Body of Christ. The department desires to model: 1) conviction that Scripture, God’s authoritative revelation, is faithful and trustworthy; 2) recognition of our own need for God’s presence by the indwelling Word and the Holy Spirit; 3) humble and enthusiastic study of Scripture in pursuit of truth, justice and mercy; and 4) courage to represent the gospel of Jesus Christ in a complex world.
School of Psychology and Human ServicesMISSION: The School of Psychology and Human Services examines the interaction of individuals, social groups and societies in a variety of contexts. The common theme is to uncover our nature and task as responsible image bearers of God.
School of Science and HealthMISSION: Recognizing all of creation as a gift from God, faculty and students in School of Science and Health seek to properly understand, appreciate, use and care for the natural world. We strive to equip our students with knowledge and skills in the scientific, mathematical and computational realms and thus help to prepare them for the workplace and for further study.
School of Graduate, Professional, and Extended StudiesMISSION: The School of Graduate, Professional and Extended Studies seeks to meet the needs of diverse learners, reaching high school students who desire to begin their collegiate career early, residential students interested in exploring off-campus opportunities through global and experiential learning and individuals interested in graduate degrees.