Graduate Academic Catalog 2016-2017 
    Mar 11, 2025  
Graduate Academic Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Leadership

Academic Policies


Financial Information

Program Description

Registration Procedures

Program Description

The Liberal Arts informs this Leadership degree. Learning opportunities are designed from different perspectives within a Christian worldview so students see issues and challenges with unique lenses allowing for out-of-the-box thinking and creativity. Experiential learning is an integral component to help discover God-given leadership skills that one may not have realized. Knowing ourselves and our ability to examine the heart issues that hold us back, impact our ability to connect/communicate with others, resolve conflict, and many other key aspects of leadership will be thoroughly integrated into the coursework. There will be a focus on spiritual development, leading, and managing people. Students will have veteran mentors throughout the program who will be a supporter, sounding board, encourager, and sharer of experiences. A Christian worldview permeates the leadership degree as students seek knowledge, clarity, and guidance to become God ordained Christian leaders. Experienced leaders from various walks of life will talk with students and share their journeys.

Master of Arts in Leadership (M.A.)

The Master of Arts in Leadership (M.A.) is a graduate degree for students who have completed a baccalaureate degree and seek to gain expertise in leadership. The M.A. consists of 30 credit hours.

Educational Specialist (Ed.S.)

The Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) is an advanced degree program designed for students who have earned a master’s degree to obtain additional expertise in the area of leadership. The Ed.S. consists of 30 credit hours.


Gordon College welcomes women and men of academic promise who wish to enroll in a program leading to the Master of Arts in Leadership and the Education Specialist in Leadership degrees. Candidates who demonstrate capacity for graduate work, potential to contribute to the knowledge of leadership, and who wish to study in an atmosphere where the Christian faith is applied to learning are invited to enroll for graduate study.

Permission to take graduate courses at Gordon College for the first time is granted by the Graduate Office, based on the submission of a formal application and review of all undergraduate and graduate study transcripts and a signed agreement to abide by Gordon College’s Life and Conduct Statement while on campus.

Master of Arts Program Requirements for Admission

  • Completion of the Graduate Education New Student Form,* which is to be submitted only once at
  • A completed graduate program application
  • One official transcript of each degree earned from accredited undergraduate and graduate schools. These transcripts must be originals, not photocopies, and should be sealed in the original envelope from the registrar of the institution.
  • A professional resume
  • An academic reference which evaluates the candidate’s ability to complete work at the graduate level
  • A personal reference which speaks to the applicant’s character
  • A professional reference which speaks to the applicant’s appropriateness for leadership
  • A statement of purpose essay, generally 500-700 words, which offers you an opportunity to demonstrate your writing skills as you explain your goals and aspirations as a leader and why you are seeking to continue your education at Gordon College. Be sure to mention any experience you think is pertinent to the program to which you are applying.
  • Payment of a $75 nonrefundable application fee, made payable to Gordon College

* If new to Gordon graduate program

Education Specialist Program Requirements for Admission

Completion of the Graduate Education New Student Form,* which is to be submitted only once at

  • A completed graduate program application
  • One official transcript of master’s degree earned from accredited undergraduate and graduate schools.  The transcript must be original, not a photocopy, and should be sealed in the original envelope from the registrar of the institution.
  • Master’s program GPA of at least 3.3**
  • A professional resume
  • A professional reference
  • A statement of purpose essay, generally 500-700 words, which offers you an opportunity to demonstrate your writing skills as you explain your goals and aspirations as a leader and why you are seeking to continue your education at Gordon College. Be sure to mention any experience you think is pertinent to the program to which you are applying.
  • Payment of a $75 nonrefundable application fee, made payable to Gordon College

* If new to Gordon graduate program
** Please note: Students with promise but less than a 3.3 master’s grade point average may be admitted on a provisional status.

Registration Procedures

Course registration is online. Please follow the instructions below:

  • Graduate Education will send course registration instructions to each leadership cohort.  Students will request registration for each academic year at
  • Students will be sent a notice from the Graduate Office within 2 to 3 days confirming they are registered for the course. The notification will include additional instructions on preparing for classes.

Each student registered for class(es) will be billed directly by Student Financial Services through CashNet on the student’s web account. Any student who has an account balance will not be allowed to register until the balance is paid. Questions regarding student bills should be directed to Student Financial Services. See the financial section for more information.

Course Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal from a course is official when written notification is submitted to the Graduate Education Office. Nonattendance does not constitute an official withdrawal; students will be held responsible for all related tuition and fees.

To officially withdraw from a course:

Email and include course dates, course title, and reason for withdrawal.

Students who request to withdraw from a course will have the following action recorded on the transcript:

  Time of Withdrawal   Transcript Grade
  0-5 hours   No record
  6 hours until one week before the course finishes   W
  Within one week of the course finishing   F

Refund Policy

The following schedules are used to determine the portion of tuition that will be refunded depending upon the date a student withdraws from a course. College policy does not allow retroactive withdrawals or refunds.

  Time of Withdrawal   Refund  
  Prior to 1st day of class   100% less $75 administrative fee  
  Prior to 2nd day of class   90% less $75 administrative fee  
  Prior to 3rd day of class   50% less $75 administrative fee  
  After 3rd day of class   No refund  
  • Administrative fees are nonrefundable.
  • Courses offered for credit-only are nonrefundable.
  • Actual refund percentage depends on the official date of formal withdrawal.
  • Students who receive financial aid and withdraw, or reduce credit load, will have an adjustment/reduction in their aid award and may be required to return a portion of the aid to Gordon College.

Grades, Grade Changes, and Enrollment Discrepancies

Students are responsible for checking each term’s enrollment and grades on the website. Grade reports are not mailed to the student except by special request. Any discrepancy in enrollment should be reported to the Registrar’s Office immediately. Students who feel there may be an error in a grade should contact the faculty member within the first 30 days after the course had ended. Requests for changes of final grades must be submitted by the instructor and received by the Registrar’s Office within the following semester. If the transcript reflects an enrollment discrepancy, the student must contact the Registrar’s Office within the first 30 days of the following semester.

Grades may not be changed based on additional work submitted after the completion of the semester unless a student qualifies for and requests an Incomplete grade prior to the end of final examinations. Incomplete grade requests should only be approved when a student fails to complete work on time due to unpreventable and unforeseeable circumstances.

Enrollment Status

Enrollment status is calculated according to the total credits a student is registered for within a term.
The two terms are:

  • Summer/Fall: end of June - December
  • Winter/Spring: January - mid-June

Enrollment status within a term is based on the following credit loads:


Credit Load




1-4 credits




4.5-8 credits




9 credits or more



Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Federal regulations require that schools monitor the academic progress of each student receiving federal financial assistance and that the school verify that the applicant is making satisfactory academic progress towards earning his/her degree. SAP is monitored at the completion of every semester to ensure financial aid recipients are maintaining satisfactory progress in the following two areas:

  1. Cumulative Grade Point Average
  2. Maximum Time Frame and Credit Completion Rate

Cumulative Grade Point Average

Graduate leadership students must maintain the minimum cumulative grade point averages outlined in the chart below. These are consistent with academic standards required for graduation.

Number of Semesters

Credits Earned*

Cumulative GPA



















* Included in the credits attempted are accepted transfer credits and all courses attempted at Gordon, which includes withdrawals, incompletes and failed courses.

Maximum Time Frame and Credit Completion Rate

Federal regulations state that students will not be eligible to receive financial aid once they have attempted more than 150% of the normal credits required for their degree program. At Gordon, students will no longer be eligible to receive financial aid once they have attempted 54 credit hours. To ensure that students will finish their program within this timeframe, Gordon requires that 67% of cumulative credits attempted be completed. This figure will be checked at the end of each semester.

Financial Aid Warning

A student who fails to meet the prescribed minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the subsequent semester attended. During the semester the student is on warning, he or she is eligible for financial aid. At the end of the Financial Aid Warning semester, the student must meet satisfactory academic progress standards, or aid eligibility will be lost.

Appeal Process

Students who are not making satisfactory academic progress after the Financial Aid Warning semester may appeal to have their situation reviewed by Student Financial Services. Approval of a student’s financial aid appeal will be based on extenuating circumstances outside the normal school activities that had an impact on the student’s ability to achieve the minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress. Cases to consider may fall into the following categories:

  • Student becomes seriously ill
  • Student is severely injured
  • Death in student’s family

Other situations may be considered if they are determined to have caused physical or psychological stress on the student. Each appeal is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The appeal must be submitted in writing by the student to the Student Financial Services Office and include information about:

  • Why the student failed to meet satisfactory academic progress.
  • What has changed that will allow the student achieve the standards of satisfactory academic progress.

Financial Aid Probation

If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. This provides the student with one additional semester of financial aid eligibility in which to regain compliance with satisfactory progress standards. Alternatively, an appeal may be conditionally approved, with the requirement that the student have an academic plan in place.

Regaining Eligibility

Students whose appeals have not been approved may regain eligibility for aid when they reach the minimum standards of satisfactory progress. Students may continue to attend courses at Gordon College without the assistance of financial aid. In addition, students may be able to attend classes elsewhere in order to demonstrate eligibility for reconsideration of aid. Students are determined to be eligible for funds when they have satisfied the minimum standards of satisfactory progress.

Privacy of Records and Directory Information (FERPA)

Gordon is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974; thus, most records pertaining to enrolled students may be reviewed by the student upon request and by appointment. A complete statement of the College’s policy and procedures is available from the Center for Student Development.

FERPA permits release of “directory information” without authorization unless the student notifies the Registrar’s Office, in writing and within the first two weeks of a semester, of a specific request that the College not release such information. Careful consideration should be given to the consequences of a request to withhold directory information, and the College cannot assume responsibility for any consequences from honoring an instruction to withhold directory information.

Directory information includes a student’s: name; month/day and place of birth; major field of study; full- or part-time status; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; dates of attendance; degrees, honors and awards received; most recent previous educational agency or institution attended; and photograph, video or web image. Weights and heights of members of athletic teams may also be released.

Privacy Policy. Gordon’s privacy policy allows access to current and permanent addresses, telephone listings, email addresses, class schedules and listings on course rosters to on-campus members of the Gordon community. All other personal data is restricted to only Gordon faculty, staff and student workers, pursuant to their College responsibilities, or to contractual agents of the College, such as an attorney, auditor, the National Student Clearinghouse or a collection agent. Gordon College may make use of an individual student’s photograph, video or web image, or campus scenes including the individual, in College publications, promotional materials or on the website. An effort will be made to obtain permission for use whenever possible.


The Registrar’s Office is responsible for issuing official transcripts of work completed at Gordon. All obligations to the College must have been met before a transcript is issued, including all financial accounts with Gordon College and compliance with the terms of any student loans. While requests are processed as quickly as possible, allow up to five working days for verification of clearance and processing. A transcript fee is charged.

Current students may process an electronic transcript request through A credit card (Mastercard or Visa) is required to order transcripts online, and there is a $1 transcript fee plus a $2.25 processing fee. Former students who do not have access to may set up an account through a link from Gordon’s website at or at to order transcripts online.

Transcripts may be sent electronically through a secure, web-based process; sent by U.S. mail; or picked up in the Registrar’s Office. Electronic delivery of transcripts is possible wherever web access is available with a high level of security. Recipients are notified of availability by email, and the student is notified by email when the transcript is sent, and when it is viewed and by whom.

Transcripts may also be requested by a written, signed request submitted to the Registrar’s Office in person or by mail, with a check, money order or cashier’s receipt to cover the transcript fee. A transcript fee of $3 is charged for each transcript ordered through the Registrar’s Office. Allow five working days for verification and processing. Credit cards may be used only with the online transcript ordering service.

Verification of Enrollment or Degree

Students needing verification of enrollment or degree should contact the Registrar’s Office or mail verification forms to the office. Degrees and enrollment are also verified through the National Student Clearinghouse.

Academic Policies

Matriculation. Students need to formally apply to the program before beginning coursework. Courses expire after 5 years and will not be counted toward degree requirements.

Advising. Students will be assigned a program advisor. In addition to acting as an advocate for the student, the advisor and the student will work out a program of study leading towards graduation.

Attendance. Students are expected to attend all class sessions as attendance ensures course content knowledge. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, communication and documentation is required for the professor and the Graduate Education Office. Students with excessive absences may be required to withdraw from the course.

Grade Point Average (GPA). Students are expected to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA to remain in the program. Only grades of B- quality or better will be counted towards completion of the program requirements. Courses may be repeated. The higher of the grades will be calculated in the cumulative grade point average.

Transfer credit. Due to the uniqueness of the leadership program, it does not lend itself to the transfer of courses.

Nondegree Students. Students may take courses as a non-degree student if the cohort has available space. Permission is granted by the director of Graduate Education.

Auditing. Students who are not pursuing a degree or licensure may enroll in graduate courses for professional development purposes. The cost is $350 per credit plus the necessary fees. Nonmatriculated students must apply to the director of graduate studies for approval. Class attendance is required but no work may be submitted for evaluation.

Requirements for Graduation

  • An application for graduation submitted to the Graduate Office with a fee of $75
  • Completion of all program requirements with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
  • Endorsement from the Board of Trustees
  • Final administrative and academic clearance

Commencement Participation. Graduate students who will have completed all requirements by the end of the summer session are eligible to participate in Commencement. Degree candidates who have no more than 6 credits remaining may petition the Graduate Council to walk at Commencement. Candidates must be registered for the final course(s) and have all balances cleared prior to April 30. Degrees are conferred on three dates each year: May 15, September 15 and December 31. All work must be completed and graded prior to the date of the degree conferral.

Grading. Graduate students are expected to maintain a grade point average of 3.0. Only courses with grades of B- quality or better will be counted towards completion of the program requirements. The GPA is calculated on the credit hours attempted at Gordon. If a student receives approval to repeat a course, only the higher grade earned will be used to calculate the grade point average. Grade points are assigned for each credit earned according to the following chart:



Grade Points










Very good















Failure to pass








Grade point averages are determined by dividing total grade points by total hours attempted at Gordon.

Students wishing to withdraw from a course must contact the Graduate Office and complete a Withdrawal form by the established deadlines. See Withdrawal Policy in Registration.

Request for changes of assigned grades, due to error or misinformation, must be submitted by the instructor, signed by the advisor, and received by the Registrar’s Office within the first 30 days after the course has ended.

The grade I (Incomplete) is allowed when a student is unable to complete course requirements due to unpreventable or unforeseen circumstances. Students have seven weeks after the start of a new term to complete coursework for a course granted an Incomplete. Students may petition for an additional seven weeks due to extenuating circumstances. Request an Incomplete Grade Request form from the Graduate Education Office.

Graduate Council. The Graduate Council, under the jurisdiction of the College government structure, is responsible for all policies related to the M.Ed. and Ed.S. programs including approval of applicants, petitions, appeals and graduation. The Council is chaired by the director of graduate studies and consists of two teaching faculty within the Division of Education, one teaching faculty member outside the division, a teacher from the greater academic community whose specialty is one of the areas of focus of the degree programs, and the assistant to the director.

Financial Information



Graduate Leadership Expenses



$700 per credit


Audit fee

$350 per credit on available courses


General administrative fee

$75 per term (summer/fall and winter/spring)


Late registration fee

$50 (per course)


Application Fee



Graduation Fee





Explanation of Tuition and Fees

Graduate Leadership Tuition. Tuition for the graduate leadership programs is based on a per credit fee of $700 per credit.

Graduate Education General Administrative. A general administrative fee of $75 will be assessed each term to cover such items as College ID cards, an email account, library access, Health Center access and Lane Student Center usage. This fee does not include access to the Bennett Athletic and Recreation Center.

Bennett Center. Graduate students who wish to utilize the Bennett Center must sign up for a graduate student membership directly with the Bennett Center manager.

Billing. Students who have registered for courses will be billed at the beginning of each session through a student’s CashNet account located on Payment due dates are generally within 30 days of the start of the semester. Payment plans are available through SFS.

Health Insurance. A health and accident insurance fee will be assessed for each student enrolled for 9 credits or more.  This fee can be waived if prior to the start of classes, the student provides proof of equivalent coverage. The fee is subject to change annually.

Vehicle Registration. Every vehicle operated on campus by a graduate student must be registered with the Department of Public Safety. Parking passes are free and are issued for the academic year.

Application for Program Acceptance into Graduate Education. A one-time program application fee of $75 is due at the time of the formal application and is nonrefundable. The fee is not credited to the cost of registration.

Rush Fee. Returning students who register within five business days of the start of a course will be charged a rush fee of $25 per course. Registration is required to attend a class and receive credit.

Graduation. A graduation fee of $75 will be charged at the time of application for graduation. This fee will be applied toward regalia, including the master’s hood and diploma, as well as all Commencement activities.

Financial Aid

Student loans are available for those who qualify. Student loans can be used to cover the cost of tuition and fees, supplies, and living expenses. Please contact the Student Financial Services Office or visit

Federal Stafford Loans. Graduate students who register for at least 5 credits in a term and are matriculated into the program may apply for a Federal Stafford Loan through the government’s Direct Loan Program. Payments and interest may be deferred during school enrollment. Loan amounts depend on the number of credits for which a student is registered. An annual limit of $20,500 applies.

Private Student Loans. Private student loans are available for students who do not wish to or are not eligible to borrow a Stafford Loan. Loan limits vary by lender. To see Gordon’s preferred lender list and compare loan products, click on the Gordon College ELM portal at

Payment Plans. Graduate leadership courses qualify for a payment plan. Enrollment is through CashNet.  For more information, visit: The plan allows a bill to be extended over the length of the term. For instance, if a $2100 course is registered in January, the student can sign up for a six-month payment plan to pay the amount from January until June, splitting the balance into six monthly payments of $350/month.



Education Specialist

Master of Arts

