Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2014-2015 
    Mar 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Economics (B.A.)


The Department of Economics and Business offers four distinct majors: accounting, business administration, economics and finance. Within the business major it is possible to earn an international business concentration. Additionally, the department jointly sponsors with the Political Science Department the international affairs major (see Interdisciplinary/Off-Campus Programs ).

All students majoring in accounting, business administration, economics or finance are required to take the following courses:

One of the following courses or equivalent validation:


The economics major is built on a solid base of economic theory to which the student will add applied and policy-oriented courses. Where the curriculum does not offer specific courses, there is opportunity for independent study courses. The graduate with a major in economics should be well prepared for a professional career in business or government, or for graduate or professional training in areas such as economics, law, business administration and public policy.

Within the Department of Economics and Business, students will complete at least 36 credits. Required courses in addition to the Foundations are:

Graduate Studies

Students interested in graduate work in economics should elect:


MAT 318  - MAT 319  also waives ECB 211 .

Students must continuously maintain a 2.0 GPA within the major.