Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2014-2015 
    Mar 13, 2025  
Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Biology Major (B.S.)


The requirements stated below are based on the assumption that a student majoring in these programs will begin with biology courses in the freshman year. However, not all students are firmly committed to a major when they enter college.

It is possible to tailor individual programs to fit the needs of students who wish to change majors or who, for any other reason, must start the course sequence late.

A Biology major leading to a Bachelor of Science in Biology requires 38 credits: 20 credits of specified courses and 18 credits of electives and 8 support courses. Majors normally take an introductory core of five courses in the sequence listed below, plus a senior seminar.



An additional 18 credits in biology, including at least one upper-level plant course (e.g., botany, plant anatomy and physiology, ecology or approved Au Sable course) must be taken to complete a concentration below.

Either eight credits of additional upper-level electives in biology (300-level or above) or PHY 121 , PHY 122  (Introductory Physics I, II) or PHY 119 , PHY 120  [General Physics I, II (noncalculus)] must also be completed.

Required Mathematics and Support Courses

The following science and mathematics support courses are also required of all Bachelor of Science biology majors:

Biology with Middle School or Secondary Education Double Major

Students planning to teach biology at the middle school or secondary level should consult the education and biology chairs for specific requirements.  The Bachelor of Arts in biology is recommended.

Biology Concentrations


Professional Concentration (B.S.)

18 credits of biology electives required, including at least one upper-level plant course.

Health Professions Concentration (B.S.)

Biology is a popular choice of major for many students entering medicine or other health professions. Biology provides a breadth of experiences related to living organisms, including humans, which provides a solid foundation for those interested in pursuing medical-related fields. The B.A. in biology may be appropriate for those pursuing prenursing and physician’s assistant programs, while the B.S. in biology may be more appropriate for the premedical, preveterinary, predental and prephysical therapy tracks.

Students interested in a career in the health professions fields should declare a health professions concentration and track. The specific requirements for different health professions tracks are listed under the Health Professions Program  section of this catalog. Contact Dr. Craig Story, Director of Health Professions, for additional information.

Biotechnology Concentration (B.S.)

The following courses are required:

Environmental Concentration

The following courses are required:

Two summer field courses at Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies

Additional elective credits are required.

Recommended courses:


Marine Biology Concentration (B.S.)


Biology electives (10 credits) approved by the department

BIO 310 - Ecology  and courses from the Marine Studies Consortium or Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies are strongly recommended.