Mar 13, 2025
Undergraduate Academic Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Physics (B.S.)
The requirements stated below are based on the assumption that a student majoring in physics will begin with physics courses in the freshman year. However, it is possible to tailor individual programs to fit the needs of students who wish to change majors or who, for other reasons, must start the course sequence later. All physics majors are required to take the following courses: Two of the following courses:
In addition, a physics major must fulfill the requirements for one of the concentrations listed below. Students completing the physics major are not required to take the core course NSM 202 Scientific Enterprise . Professional Physics Concentration
Recommended as the best preparation for graduate school as well as industrial or government employment. The following three courses are required: Recommended
The department also recommends additional mathematics and science courses; the following are strongly recommended: Big Data and Computational Physics Concentration
Intended for the physics student with strong interests in learning computational tools and techniques and applying them to the study of a broad range of physical phenomena and technological challenges. The student must take: In Addition
The student must complete 16 credits from among the following courses in mathematics and computer science: Engineering Physics Concentration
Intended for students with an interest in applied physics and technology or enrolled in the 3–2 engineering program. For four-year physics majors the following courses are required: Recommended
The department also strongly recommends these supporting courses: Note:
For 3-2 engineering students, see the 3-2 engineering program section for details on course requirements. Double Major with Secondary Education
Students seeking licensure as a teacher of physics at the high school level should select the engineering concentration and enroll in: Note:
See education advisor for required education courses. |