School of Undergraduate Studies 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries
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Department Chair: Sharon Galgay Ketcham
Faculty: Daniel Ahn, Mark Cannister, Daniel Darko, Amy Hughes, Steven Hunt, Joanna Kline, Robert Whittet. Part-time: Andrew Walton.
MISSION: The Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries Department fosters a community where students and professors prepare to engage our cultural contexts with a vibrant and effective understanding of the Scriptures, construct a coherent biblical worldview, grapple with questions that address faith and life, and serve as responsible citizens of the Body of Christ. The department desires to model: 1) conviction that Scripture, God’s authoritative revelation, is faithful and trustworthy; 2) recognition of our own need for God’s presence by the indwelling Word and the Holy Spirit; 3) humble and enthusiastic study of Scripture in pursuit of truth, justice and mercy; and 4) courage to represent the gospel of Jesus Christ in a complex world.
Biblical Studies Major
The biblical studies major is designed to prepare some students for admission to seminary and various ministries of teaching the Word. For others it provides the basic foundation in biblical education needed for various church vocations and ministries both at home and around the world. Still others are encouraged to make the Bible their major emphasis in a broad liberal arts education, which will enable them to live effectively and productively for Christ in various places and vocations.
Gordon College/Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Course Agreement
A Gordon College undergraduate junior or senior may take up to two courses at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary as a special student while enrolled fulltime in the fall and/or spring as an undergraduate at Gordon College. Please see Academic Policies for more information, along with the department’s website here.
Interdisciplinary Christian Studies (ICS): Chesterton House at Cornell University
Gordon College collaborates with the Chesterton House Christian Studies Center at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, as an academic resource and credit-granting host for this unique interdisciplinary program for Cornell University students.
The program serves to identify and nurture future leaders not only for church and para-church ministries but also for other areas of cultural leadership such as business, education, public service, journalism, law and medicine.
The primary focus of these courses is biblical and theological study. Instructors utilize these disciplinary lenses to reflect theologically on topics such as environmental ethics, social and economic justice, pluralism and multiculturalism, science and faith, religion and public life. Additionally, these courses provide opportunities for students to examine relevant intersections between faith and life and construct responses drawing on course content. The courses are taught on the Cornell University campus.
ICS 207 - Discipleship and Vocation in the Gospel of Mark Credits: 2
ICS 226 - Identity, Community, Vocation Credits: 2
ICS 228 - Wisdom and Worldview in the Book of Proverbs Credits: 2
ICS 240 - Biblical and Cultural Hermeneutics Language and Interpretation Credits: 2
Christian Ministries Major
The Christian ministries major brings together five academic areas of ministry study, offering concentrations in youth ministries, pastoral ministries, global Christianity, and social impact ministries. Each shares a common set of courses, values, theology and principles while maintaining unique distinctions concerning ministry contexts and foci. Students have the dual benefit of taking common coursework alongside other ministry majors with diverse interests and engaging in highly focused coursework that is specific to one ministry context.
The contextual concentrations prepare students to serve effectively within various ministries of churches, parachurch organizations and other agencies engaged in service and ministry. Coupled with Gordon College’s broad liberal arts Core Curriculum and an extensive field experience, the Christian ministries major uniquely prepares students for ministry in a variety of contexts as well as an array of graduate study programs. The major requirements for Christian ministries will also qualify a student for a minor in biblical studies.
Honors in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries
The Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries Department encourages highly qualified majors with junior standing to consider pursuing departmental honors through rigorous research on various topics in the disciplines of biblical studies, Christian ministries, or theology. This entails preparation of a research project or thesis under the guidance of an honors director during two of the student’s last four terms at Gordon. The minimum requirement for application to the honors program is a cumulative GPA of 3.50 in the major and 3.00 overall as of the first term of the student’s junior year. Also required are excellent research and writing skills, as demonstrated in the student’s course work. If a student’s research proposal receives approval from the honors director in consultation with the department chair, the candidate then enrolls in 4 credits of BCM 471 and 4 credits of BCM 472 (Research I and II), develops a substantial project or thesis, and presents the project/thesis orally to Biblical Studies and Christian Ministries faculty and fellow students (as appropriate for the project or thesis).
ProgramsMajorMinorConcentrationsCoursesBiblical Studies and Christian Ministries
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